A Cloud’s Purpose: Scene One

Hello! Scene one of A Cloud’s Purpose begins at the park. We see the wind blow a balloon lose and up into the sky. The higher it goes the more clouds we see and on one of those clouds is a young cloud girl named Khmara. She is interested by the balloon and grabs it, it quickly pops and her excitement vanishes. Khmara looks around and sees how lonely her world is. She tries to resolve this by taking some of the cloud shes sitting on and making herself a doll. She takes the string from the balloon and gives her new friend a bow tie. We later learn she names the doll Maymay. Khmara looks once again and only finds clouds surrounding her, she hugs Maymay and expresses to him how he is her only friend.


This is a story I have written and now I am in the progress of creating the storyboards. Here is scene one of a very lovely story. I will be uploading each scene as I finish them and when they are complete I will upload an animatic of the short so stay tuned for that!!